Date 719HE/13 - 14

After the battle with the Mummy Baron, the gang gather all the loot and discuss what to do about Graxari and her case of Mummy Rot. Helpful ideas such as "can we freeze her?", "What about a fireball?", "How about we cut her arm off?" were interrupted by four intruders; the cultists they had let live from the other room!

A (very) brief fight ensued and the bad guys were quickly dispatched. Going through their belongings revealed a list of contents of another room on this level, two of particular note being a special bag and potion.

Ninny G, feeling much more like his old self, set about animating one the dead bodies, and with that abominable act complete, the group set off for the first room, with the freshly undead in the lead, and a goblin escort front and rear. This room was empty, apart from a bit of loot, a full chamber pot, and the remains of several smashed bronze dragon eggs.

Approaching the third room, (passing a gated passage way) the undead point man was shot at by the room's occupants. The leading Khob'Linn scouts decided enough was a enough and rushed into combat, soon to be in close quarters with a couple of Zarg cultists. The fight developed with a Zargassian Fanatic and another cultist. Tynwurm put the fanatic down, but not out, and Szithy executed the final cultist.

The room had been turned into a torture chamber; complete with iron maiden, sacrificial alter and a flaming skull pile altar to Zarg. Luas tried to pick up one of the skulls, and only succeeded in burning his hand. The fanatic was webbed to the sacrificial altar and interrogated about the pyramid. Mainly incoherent ramblings, but he did talk about a shield, the pyramid being an "unholy" site and threw various insults at our heroes before committing suicide. Ulunnuh and Szithy investigated a couple of chests, and failing to find any traps, Ulunnuh set both traps off, getting acid burns for his troubles. However, they did find a bag of holding and a potion of the Waters of Anahita, a healing potion powerful enough to cure Graxari of her Mummy Rot!

The final fixture of the room was a lever, which the party viewed with suspicion. Ninny G reanimated the corpse of the dead fanatic and ordered it to operate said lever; this produced ominous whirring, grinding and clunking sounds, presumably from the gated passageway.

With that, they headed off to that passageway, which was indeed now open, and up the stairs to the second level of the pyramid.

Kh!za!dum - second level

Zombies leading the way, the horde of adventurers moved along the corridor. Ninny used an owl familiar to act as his advance eyes and ears, which scoped out the way ahead, including a scuffed area of flooring and an occupied room. Ulunnuh went to look at the scuffed flooring, and deciding that everything was perfectly fine, stepped on the tiles, and took two poison darts to the chest for his hubris. Ninny advanced one of his zombies onto the tile, which also got a couple of darts. Letting the zombie act as a counterweight, the rest of the gang progressed to the next room.

As was to be expected, a couple of fanatics put up some resistance, but were easily dispatched by our heroes. This bakery/library had more hieroglyphs showing a battle between six of the celestial figures, supported by dragons, elves, dwarves and orcs, and a winged figure with an army of Ogres, Tieflings and Scorpion-kin. Additionally, there were two maps, one of Be^lash with a red circle around Per^doth and another of the pyramid itself, showing 4 levels, although the fourth level map was burned beyond recognition, only the word 'SCUTUM' being visible.

With better knowledge of the interior layout, the band proceeded to the next known room, the crowding in the corridor making movement pretty difficult. This room contained a feisty priest who put a brief fight with Szithy, Life Eater leaving its mark, and Luas delivering the killing blow. In here the group found four intact bronze dragon eggs and two human corpses, one of which had a note with 'Found them at Lake Kry!ko, the mother still lives.'.

And with that, the group contemplates their next move.