Date 719HE/J09

The group wake up in The Skewered Skink in Faf!nyr and order their usual breakfast of far too many croissants

Their restful morning repast was interrupted as a black robe clad figure came crashing through the door to the tavern followed rapidly by a large Ur'Ku woman being attacked by four other similarly robe wearing individuals.

Never too early for a tavern brawl eh? While Ulunnuh picked the prone man's pockets, the rest got stuck in throwing beer flagons (and missing), throwing axes (and hitting), loosing arrows, freezing the left butt cheek of the Ur'Ku and finally slamming their axe (Tynwurm) into the floor.

A quick rifle through the rest of the (now) dead intruders revealed they were Zarg Cultists, as to why they were attacking Graxari (Carla), apparently this had been happening on and off since she had left home, the Le'She Scrub Tuuk of Dar'Sek.

An impromptu music recital happens, the like of which the band have never seen and are sold on Graxari's artistic ability.

After a super tense game of Finger-or-Toe with Tynwurm, Graxari was admitted to the group and helped eat the croissants.

Ninny G reminded the group that they were headed for the Temple of Kh!za!dum, and so the band did what they do best, shopping!

Well, not just shopping, as Luas and Ulunnuh managed to make themselves the (temporary) owners of a stall selling cheap knives and stealing the cash box.

With that done, onwards to Aj'daha!

Date 719HE/J10

After a two days of uneventful travel following the desert roads, the team arrive at Aj'daha. Ignoring the swish looking Lustrous Scales hotel, they head into The Scorpions Sting tavern and as about a guide to Kh!za!dum and are given the name of a red Drache!zin named Tslak who frequents The Blue Boar.

The Blue Boar is a slum dive, much more our brave adventurers scene! They find Tslak, a gruff veteran warrior who offers to guide them ... for a price. The team decline, but stay the night, fighting off the bed bugs..

Date 719HE/J11 - J13

With a rough direction in mind, and some strange ideas about magnetic tattoos, the group head off, Szithy's survival skills keeping them clear of giant scorpions and Ninny G's Tiny hut putting in good service.

Early in the morning of J13, Szithy sees some tracks, roughly humanoid heading in the general direction of the pyramid. After a while the group see what looks like a small Khob'Linn camp and overhear a strange conversation about "digging latrines" and "getting sand in our butt's".

A few tense moments later, it turns out the ten Khob'Linn scouts are lost, their warboss was killed by 'a red fangy big job'... The team take this to mean Tslak. Graxari takes pity on the Khob'Linn and tells them they are coming with her, providing the worst musical performance anyone has ever seen, even so, the Khob'Linn pack up and follow along.

A little while later, the motley crew arrive at the broad colonnade that leads to the massive dread pyramid that is Kh!za!dum. Many of the pillars have fallen over the intervening millennia, the sphinx statue guardians have seen better days, this is not helped by the gang obliterating them for 'reasons'.

Moving down the colonnade, they find a dead mage, riddled with Magic Missle hits and sword wounds. And as Ulunnuh's finds, no money.

Arriving at the base of the black stepped pyramid, the team find a lever and after a cursory search for traps, pull said lever and watch as the Cyclopean blocks of rock slide apart to admit them entrance.

Guttering torches line the walls that give off a sickly greenish purple light, enough to see tracks in the sand on the floor and the hieroglyphs depicting a war between seven celestial beings and demonic entities.

Sending a few of the Khob'Linn ahead as scouts they discover a room with four 'big jobs' to the left and another room with four 'big jobs' to the left. Unfortunately this led to the loss of one scout.

Some sneaking and subterfuge allowed Luas and Ulunnuh to find out from some bemused cultists that their leader was 'up' and got a free dagger in exchange for a really rubbish knife. Surprisingly, the group left the four cultists alive. I know, I'm as shocked as you are!

Heading right, the group scope out the next room, the entrance of which is blocked by the oh so small body of a Khob'Linn scout. Luas unleashes a Fireball and takes out two cultists leaving a couple of sturdier enemies still standing, but oh gods how are they still alive?!? A very brief fight ensues, leaving the team to investigate the room and oh, the three sarcophagi.

This does not end well as a Mummy Baron was quietly enjoying its eternal slumber. A harrowing battle ensues, the team trying to fend off a strong magically powered enemy, but they prevail.

The cost? Graxari now has Mummy Rot. The clock is ticking...