Date 719HE/J07

  • Wake in The Speared Bull in Tsz!kany
  • Eat breakfast
  • Ulunnuh discusses the possibility of brewing VultureBee mead and selling it in the Stiff Finger franchise pubs...
  • The band decide to head to Faf!nyr
  • After a quiet day's ride the group make camp, Ninny G is getting very familiar with the spell Leomund's Tiny Hut!

Date 719HE/J08

  • On the road to Faf!nyr, the band spot a dust cloud in the distance. As they draw closer,
  • Ninny G can make out spell-flare in the dust cloud, and the more keen sighted can see a humanoid figure being set upon by a group of smaller beings.
  • On arrival at the scene, the heroes see a human dress in slightly tatty robes trying hold off a group of 5 kobolds, surrounded by several other kobold corpses.
  • The group reluctantly assists in dealing with the kobolds, who are no match for the band.
  • The human introduces himself as Luas, an Erilean. NinnyG sense there is magic about this individual.
  • When asked why the kobolds were attacking him, Luas explains they were unhappy about some anti-magic medallions he had sold them.
  • Ulunnuh finds one of these medallions, which when held in the hand starts to get uncomfortably hot!
  • Luas offers to sell the heroes a medallion for a low low price of 100 gp per medallion.... They don't take him up on the offer.
  • The group help Luas find the rest of his medallions, and then continue their journey to Faf!nyr with Luas in tow.