Date 719HE/J01
- Wake up in Faf!nyr after a ribald night in The Skewered
- Eat breakfast
- Continue journey to Tsz!kany
Date 719HE/J02
- Arrive in Tsz!kany in early evening, Tynwurm feels right at home walking past
the fighting pits she grew up in.
- Stayed at The Glittering Horde Inn, run by a pair of Drache!zin,
- Buy some Virta, a date palm/toxic lizard spirit popular with Silver Drache!zin
Date 718HE/J03
- Head to the market place in the Alley of Tears.
- Dark kobolds manning (surely 'kobolding' ?) a stall with the banner of
Rath!kran Onyxclaw.
- Tynwurm shows them the letter, get an appointment.
- While waiting, the band have a cartwheel competition...
- Meet with Rath!kran, she tells them what she wants done, protect Rho!gar from
what killed his father, silly legend about a witch curse and a beast called
The Skalikas
- Find Rho!gar in the The Speared Bull tavern
- Head to the The Kala!szan Lair, meet house staff, Drayce
- Head to the Gr!pen Moor
Date 719HE/J04
- In the early hours, they find Deagh, killed by .... something, torn apart and
scatter on the Moor
- Meet Vallath walking on the Moor
- Return the Kala!szn Lair with Deaghs corpse
- Drayce admits to helping Deagh, giving him one of Rho!gars coats...
- Sleep
Date 719HE/J05
- Head to Vallath's (the party think he is suspicious...)
- Gently interrogate, nothing much forth coming
- Vallath leaves his house, Ulunnuh breaks in and finds:
- a painting of a sad female Urman with the initials "L.B." on the back
- some scrolls with diagrams and text on that looks 'funny'
- Part speak to Vallath again, nothing else discovered.
- Vallath arranges to 'talk it all through' with Rho!gar later that evening,
- Ninny G interprets the scrolls and diagram as some some of trans-planar
- Ninny G decides now would be a good time to try reanimating Deagh...... A
tussle ensues, leaving Rho!gar very annoyed.
- Later that day, everyone goes to Vallath's house, the truth is discovered, he
summoned the Skalikas to take revenge on Rho!gars clan.
- Fight erupts, the adventurers are victorious, and Rho!gar is no longer under
Date 719HE/J06
- Return to Tsz!kany, and report to Rath!kran.
- She doesn't eat them and the adventurers claim this as a win....