Date 719HE/F29
- Tynwurm recapped the letter she had received
- Ninny G went spell shopping and bought some rope from Ulunnuh
- Team bought some rations for their upcoming journey
- Chose a route West then South via Milbrook
- Last order of business was the running of the pub.... 35 gp loss...
Date 719HE/F30
- Head West
- Arrive at the village of Beam
- Go to The River Rat pub, enjoy the local booze, especially the cloudberry
- Set up Tiny Hut to stay in
- Interrupted by an inquisitive fox
- Tynwurm has a bathroom accident...
Date 719HE/F31
- Arranged a contract for a case of wine, made by Mizrabel the Hedge-witch, to
be delivered to The Stiff Finger every Siexta for 15gp for the next 3 Siexta;
then 12gp for the next year.
- And got free slice of blueberry tart for breakfast!
- Head to Trest, and have lunch at The Empires Reach
- Enjoy the local potato spirit, Gromper
- Travel on to Milbrook and stay at the Farmer's Arms; met with a very friendly
reception by Gyron Wiest the landlord and head man of the village.
Date 719HE/F32
- Another travel day
- Reach Wantz in the early evening and visit the Three Roads tavern
- Sample the Spiced and Floral Gromper
- Tynwurm is convinced the drink a whole pint of date liqueur and somehow does
- Stay in the Tiny Hut on a green just outside the town
- Nearby is a Hounds of Sto'Vo'Kor camp.
- Ulunnuh goes to see them and overhears a Khob'Linn guard berating his fellow
guard... "Stupid carrot!"
Date 719HE/F33
- Travel Charn
- Visit the market stalls and here a familiar cry of "Get you real meat on a
stick 'ere. Genuine actual dates and not cow balls for cheap!" from Abdul
"Choppin me hand orf" Grubbler.
- Ninny G went magic shopping and after drooling over the most expensive items
he could find, bought the more reasonably priced items....
- Stayed in the Tiny Hut.
Date 719HE/F34
- Purchased another 5 days of provisions, then head into the desert bound...
Date 719HE/F35
Date 719HE/F36
- Arrive at Faf!nyr
- Visit The Skewered Skink Inn
- Ulunnuh is convinced to drink a half pint of Puliva - a Black Drache!zin
spirit and somehow does NOT DIE!
- Introduce the locals to Finger or Toe; an epic battle of ... um... wits? Our
gallant heroes won, just, by the slimmest of margins and narrowly avoided a
- Sleep at the Inn.