Date 719HE/F08 - F11

Went through previous finds, sold off stuff they didn't want using Ulunnuh "contacts". Ninny G spent the time copying spells into his ever growing magic book, Szithy went weapon shopping while Tynwurm hit the gym.

Asked Celasar about the translation of the book page. Found it hinted at something in Belash and something in the M!tep Desert.

Empress Lyra asked the team to deliver important documents to the Reeve in Brinn en-route to Be^lash.

Date 719HE/F12

On the road found an orc beating a boy, the boy, named Tomash, claims the orc is part of a bandit group threatening his village, he had been sent to find help.

Led heroes to village, found out about the Son's of Fek'ihr (dodgy Ur'Ku clan or Tuuk)

Tynwurm went skinny dipping.

Bandits had attacked, taken some of the women and food, said they would be back to take the rest.

After some conversation, the head man of the village, Kodo Carter, offered some money, about 50 gp if the heroes would help fight of the bandits

Provisional plan to set up an ambush in the town.

Sleep at the Travellers Rest