Date 719HE/F06

The group headed back to the Stiff Finger to get some rest and heal up, taking Corporal Hammestein and Guard Ismat with them.

Date 719HE/F07

In the morning, over breakfast, the band discussed what to do next. They remembered that the cultists had said "we are under the city, in the cold and the dark". Hammerstein said they were entrances to the sewer system near each of the temples that had been attacked.

With that, the team headed back to the Temple of Althwinn to search for clues. Szithy found tracks leading from the temple back to a manhole cover,and down they went!

The sewers were as you would expect, dank, cold, wet and oooh it didn't 'alf pong! This led to a minor vomit chain reaction…

After getting a grip on themselves, our plucky adventurers made their way through the sewer tunnels. Ulunnuh noticed several thieves' cant marks on the walls giving them some idea as to what to expect.

They found a group of toshers, kobolds, discussing their latest finds. After some questioning by Szithy and Tynwurm, the toshers told the group about 'tall ones, with flappy clothes, nasty' who seem to travel the sewers regularly.

Heading further in, navigating the twists and turns, the team found a tunnel that just stopped. Apparently blocked by rocks. Except Ninny G discovered it was an illusion, especially when a rat came running out of them!

Walking through the illusion, the sewer tunnel opened up into a set of roughly hewn corridors, and some simple doors. Our heroes found what looked to be a locker room, and after rifling through them, they found a few coins and some other trinkets.

Looking around the corridors, the band found a large pair of doors, ornate, with horrific carvings on them. Girding their loins, with weapons drawn, they opened the doors.

A temple. A temple under the city! And occupied as well. This fight that ensued was long and bloody, with Tynwurm being badly hurt, but our heroes were victorious once more. With the battle over, the band withdrew to the locker room they had been in earlier, barricaded the door and set about resting as best they could.