Date 719HE/F03

Corporal Hammerstein and Guard Ismat met the group at the tavern bright and early to discuss the case. After reviewing the evidence, it was decided they had 3 days before the killer or killers struck again. Not only that, but that the next target would be the Temple of Althwinn. To that end, the guards would post a lookout and on F06 they would all meet at the temple to ambush the bad guy.

That left the team with some time on their hands, and as is their want, to the shops they went!

Tynwurm went to Horfath's Place, a training gym near the battle arena in the KrayVax Hexant to 'get hench', and managed to secure a stipend from the Empress of 400gp/Siexta whilst employed by her on City business, to be paid in arrears.

Ninny G found a Khob'Linn Mage versed in the necromantic 'arts' to teach him a few new tricks.

Szithluon and Ulunnuh spent their time sorting equipment.

Date 719HE/F04

The gang decided that they needed to be better equipped for whatever they had to face, so they headed to an armourer recommended by Goran; Theyrún Eisenfaust the Sudzwergar.

Szithluon and Ulunnuh purchased some sneaky armour while Tynwurm went full metal jacket and ordered some plate after working out a deal that means she has to fight 3 times in the battle arena as promotion for the shop.

Date 719HE/F05

Today was a spa day… if you can believe that!

Date 719HE/F06

After a brief stop to pick up their new armour, the band arrived at the Temple of Althwinn at midday and met with Corporal Hammerstein and Guard Ismat. They spoke with the head cleric, Praetor Vratislav Kriska, and explained what had been going on and that they thought he was next.

Understandably, he agreed to let them set up an ambush. After doing some good old "hurry up and wait", they set up their positions and waited for the killer to arrive. This gave Ulunnuh ample time to check out the collection box....

Bang-on midnight, the killer did arrive; with friends. In fact it was 8 bad guys, one heavily armoured, one apparent priest type and bunch of culty types. These miscreants seemed very interested in the altar and the Symbol of Althwinn. After observing them for a while from the shadows, the heroes sprung their attack…

Of note was the Ninny G 'flitting' in and out of existence, doing the wizard equivalent of a 'boom-and-zoom', Szithy and Jiji doing coordinated attacks with precision. Ulunnuh running interference and Tynwurm ploughing through enemies with several lucky hits.

With the enemies defeated, they had two left unconscious, one of which was babbling about 'being under the city, in the cold and dark' before both he and his friend crunched down on some type of poison capsule.

They recovered a few items from the bodies; of note a statuette of a seated winged skeleton, along with some common weapons and coinage.

The team, still at the temple, began to discuss their next action.