Date 719HE/F02

The band were slowly getting their act together, recalling the events of the last few days, when a group of ne'er do wells entered the pub, Big Lad, four thugs and a little guy with a bandage around his head that Edgar starts cawwing at.

This guy, this fucken guy… starts accusing our brave heroes of being the ones that 'Wot killed your Bruvver, Big Chungus!'

Insults are swapped, threats made, a fight ensues… Which left the no good naughty men all unconscious and badly wounded. No to say that our adventurers got away scot-free, but at least they were all alive.

After checking over the now subdued invaders, the band found they all had the same gang patch roughly sewn onto their clothes bearing the slogan 'Urmans First!', spelt in a variety of hilarious ways.

Goran said these guys used to "own" Ye Olde Weathered Spoon, after killing the previous owner (an old Ur'Ku from the Le'She Scrub). He had been kept on as the barman "cos none of them knew fuck all about barrels".

Goran said he would get them handed over to the guard. And with that, the team headed off to the Citadel.

After the ritual teasing of Toman, they are shown through to the Empress, where Jiji is waiting for them!

They explain why they are a bit late and mention the Urmans First and are told it is a small-scale problem, groups of disenfranchised Urman with nothing better to do than blame their problems on the non-Urman citizens. "I'm sure it is nothing" says the Empress…

Then the Empress asks them to assist the Rakshi guards with their investigation into a spate of murders involving clerics.

Our heroes duly toddle off to the guard house and are met by Corporal Hildrak Hammerstein and Guard Amir Ismat. The guards require our brave adventurers help in asking the hard questions, as the guards have been unable to get the clerics to talk to them. The murders have taken place over the last 4 weeks in a seemingly random order.

With the guards in tow, the team take the rest of the day to visit the sites of the murders and glean the following: Each victim was the head cleric The killing was brutal, the body mutilated, organs removed, probably while they were still alive Each body was found in a circle of blood lit with black candles

On the body of the Mendel cleric 'Catman' Wes, the seemingly random slash marks on the chest cover a distinct pattern of incisions. Our heroes deduce that it is similar to The Mark and could also denote the order of the murders.

Additionally, at the Temple of Mendel and the Temple of Rakshi, several children have gone missing, a couple of street rats and a couple of orphans respectively.

With all this information, the adventurers retire to the Stiff Finger for the evening to consider their next steps.