Date 719HE/F01

The adventurers decided to take Chernok the imp with them to the imposingly named graveyard, the City of the Dead. Which, regardless of the name, is actually quite a nice place, plenty of trees, beautifully kept flowerbeds amongst the graves give it an almost country-park feel. During the Siexta of Joy (analogous to summer) the City of the Dead is used for recreation, strolling and general relaxation as well as communing with one's ancestors.

Unfortunately, at night, it takes on a different aspect, especially when you get sneak attacked by a couple of naughty imps! During the brief scuffle, Tynwurm tried to drop kick the imp, and missed, Ulunnuh hid, and Ninny G managed to break his staff!

Chernok led them to the centre of the graveyard, where the team discovered a statue of a girl that looked remarkably like Elzerina, and a small blank circle on the floor. Nearby were a number of raised tombs, one of which Tynwurm broke into to steal any money…. After some discussion and berating, the money was put back, and the tomb restored.

Back to the circle. In preparation for the inevitable combat, the team took up ambush positions, Ulunnuh using a nearby stand of trees for cover, the others using the gravestones and tombs.

The items found in the Cassalanter villa were placed in the positions they had deduced from the story and the interrogation on Chernok. With the last piece placed, a shimmering, roiling portal appeared, through which flew two monstrous Val Goullies, followed by a horrific looking Bearded Devil.

The fight that ensued was hard, bloody and although our heroes were ultimately victorious, it came at a weighty cost.

With forethought, Ninny G cast the spell "grease" in front of the portal, causing the Devil to slip, which gave the others time to deal with the Val Goullies. Unfortunately, the Devil recovered, and Jiji, Szithluon's faithful panther was slain by the demonic foe.

The circle was destroyed, with the application of revengeful force, closing the portal. Gathering up the body of their fallen comrade, the team headed for the Citadel, waking up Toman and demanding they saw the Empress. Seeing the distress in the group, the Empress asked them to leave Jiji with her. They also told the Empress about the portal and the Cassalanters' involvement.

Rest was required, and Toman directed them to their temporary quarters in the Althwinn Hexant.

Date 719HE/F02

The following day, after the customary breakfast, ribbing of Toman and a brief spot of shopping, the gang returned to The Stiff Finger Tavern, where they found two things; Edgar Allen Crow had returned, dropping a plucked eyeball into Tynwurm's lap, and a note from the Empress asking them to return to the Citadel as soon as they could.