Date 719HE/F01

While rooting around in the toy box, it turns out one of the toys was actually an imp! After a bit of interrogating, the imp let on that a few of the house staff had something to do with the girl….

Oh, and that all he wanted to do was to get his friends to come here too. "What for?" asked our plucky heroes, "Coz it's nicer".... Not very enlightening, but rather worrying… WIth some creative interpretation, the imp told the group that there was a portal, a way for the minions of Asmodeus to travel from their "home" to here.

One of the toys they found was a music box, which when wound up seemed to cause Elzerina to start dancing. When it was stopped, she stopped, but was most distressed. The parents stated that the box was a gift. Ninny G knew more about the maker of the box, and could tell it was magic, possibly cursed. The consensus among the group was that the box should probably be destroyed.

On the scant information the team had, they went to ask the girls tutor, Laiba Rosse, if she knew anything about the imp incursion. The tutor was a Tiefling, a race not seen in the Spinward Marches and a bit of a surprise to see in the Imperial City! Upon questioning, she was less than helpful, saying the imp must have been brought in by a partygoer to ruin the festivities and shame the Cassalanters. And that whatever the child said was just childish nonsense.

When pushed she got violently and attacked the band! A bloody fight ensued, resulting in the tutor dead, and Ulunnuh unconscious and bleeding out! Only some quick first aid given by the rest of the team kept him ticking over.

Luckily the Lady Ammalie's assistant, Tissina Khyret, had the gift of healing and managed to get Ulunnuh back on his feet, if somewhat shaky. Tissina was also a Tiefling, and unfortunately she too got violent. This time the fight was shorter and resulted in the assistant being knocked unconscious. She was bound and gagged and handed over to Captain Staget for further questioning.

On to the next member of staff, the butler, Willifort Crowelle, yet another Tiefling. This was beginning to get suspicious! When questioned, he gave the same story as the tutor and the assistant. When pushed further he let out a mighty roar, skin rippled and clothes tore, his body changing shape, mutating into a much larger horrific creature! This was a tough fight, against a powerful opponent. Only our brave adventurers' skill brought them through with minimal wounds…. The creature devolved into a grotesque form but eventually succumbed to the onslaught.

The last member of staff, the chef, Jandar Cherboga, dropped the pretence almost as soon as the heroes got to the kitchen. Ningri launched a fireball into the kitchen, critically injuring the chef. "Tell us what we want to know, and I'll put you out", Ninny G offered. "Never!" came the response… The crew's decision? Let him burn…

The band returned to the twin's bedroom. Tynwurm, obviously in a bad mood, stamped on the music box, obliterating it.

The group then confronted the parents, warming up for another fight, although Captain Staget and his men were looking quite hostile at that. Thankfully, this was avoided when Vittorio coughed...

Vittorio Cassalnter confessed to being a follower of Asmodeus and that Asmodeus was after his daughter (Elzerina). He agreed to turn himself and his wife over to the Empress for "appropriate punishment" on the condition that the group close the portal in the City of the Dead, a large graveyard in the South of the city and save his daughter from Asmodeus.

Captain Staget agreed to this, and put the Cassalanters under guard until the group returned. With that done, the heroes headed out to the City of the Dead.