Date 719HE/E29

After a less sumptuous than requested breakfast, our plucky band returned to the Citadel, where Empress Lyra asked them to attend the upcoming Flowering Gala as her representatives, incognito of course, as she had heard disturbing things about the Tarancular Mansion and wanted eyes on the ground. A little bartering for payment occurred and 50gp was agreed upon.

As there were a few days until the Gala started, the group decided to do what everyone does in the great City of Hylur, shopping! Tynwurm bought an axe called Storm Sunder, Szithluon a Venom Bow and Ulunnuh a pair of Glove of Thievery.

And at bargain basement prices too. (Note to GM, set better prices!)

With their spending spree done, the group mused on what to do next. "Let's plan a heist!", "No, let's be crime bosses!", "No no, let's clean up the city!".

Ulunnuh asked around in the Mendel Hexant and two names cropped up: Anselor Grek, boss of the skin game and Karanto Be^kashey, high level drug boss.

Date 719HE/E30

The following morning, Tynwurm woke first, and played a time-old traditional game of "Finger or Toe" with her team-mates. This resulted in Szithluon punching Tynwurm… Good old team building in action….

After some discussion, our heroes decided to take down Anselor Grek, his reputation was seedy and made for a gruesome picture. Ulunnuh set up a meeting, via his contacts, with Grek at Madam Palooza's House of Fun in the outer Mendel Hexant to take place the following day.

Date 719HE/E31

Later on the following day, the party arrived at the House of Fun and introduced themselves to the owner, Grimald, and proceeded to attempt to drink their body weight in the dreaded alcobooze. Tynwurm drank a triple of Dwarven spirits with the expected results.

Roughly half an hour later, Grek arrived with a four heavily armed and armoured Ur'Ku bodyguards. Although Grek was a thoroughly disgusting character, Ulunnuh convinced Grek that he would provide a few girls for Grek's operation the next day.

After the meeting, the band returned to the Citadel and explained what they were going to do with the Empress. She had heard of Grek and wanted him ….. dealt with, so she said she would assist.

Date 719HE/E32

The party ventured to the Eastern Eel to meet Grek at a warehouse to deliver 20 girls. As with last time, he was accompanied by his Ur'Ku bodyguards.

After a few choice words, the girls arrived, unbeknownst to the team, half of them were the Empress's personal "ninja" warriors.

As often happens with our team, the fight was brief and violent. The guards and Anselor met a very sticky end. The "ninjas" disappeared.

With Anselor gone, the power vacuum allowed Ulunnuh to step in as the head of the Eastern Eel "entertainment" business.

And with that, the group headed back to their temporary quarters.