Date 719HE/E26

Well rested, the group decided to investigate their new tower, and renamed it as Inoya Tower. Regina Quirn refused to move into the tower proper, and stays as the Guardian of Under Inoya.

The team, having completed their mission, made to head back to the Imperial City of Hylur, but first, Celasar cast Wizard Lock on the tower door to prevent any naughty, bad and wrong-headed people breaking in.

After a day of travel, the party made camp by the side of the road.

Date 719HE/E27

Early in the morning, our brave adventurers saw a dust cloud on the road to the south of them, and fearing the worst, set an ambush with Celasar rolling around on the road acting as bait.

It was nothing to fear, just a simple date farmer taking his wares to sell in the markets of Hylur.

And so they killed him…

At least they didn't have to walk the rest of the way!

Date 719HE/E28

A full day on the road brought them to the bridge over the river to The Eels. Where they disposed of the dead farmer by giving him a sailors farewell.

Once in the city, the band quickly sold the horse, cart and dates.

They arrived at the Citadel and presented themselves to Empress Lyra, who paid them the rest of their money and was keen to hear all they had to say about the tower.

Celasar said he wanted to stay in the citadel and avail himself of the library and scholars, to hopefully find out as much as he could about the book they had recovered from the tower.

The Empress also had a surprise the team; a new companion, an enigmatic half elf who goes by the name of OBD. He too had had a run in with Cultists of Zarg and had many a tale to tell.

To get better acquainted, the band went to The Grand Duke di Carabas' Arms to talk about their respective experiences. And indulge in a little light gambling at the Cripple Mr. Onion tables…

After a jovial evening, the party returned to their temporary quarters in the Inner Hexant of Althwinn to sleep