Date 719HE/E24

After taking stock, the team ventured towards the staircase, a horrific piece of gothic art. Ulunnuh stealthily made his way up the stairs and, finding no resistance, the rest joined him and searched the first floor of the tower. This floor had the same dark carpet and portraits. A richly decorated bedroom, when ransacked, gave up some clothing and a pretty ring, snaffled by Tynluwurm.

Opposite was the library, again a search revealed some potion recipes and a fantastically interesting volume on Goblin parasitology, available at all good bookstores!

Further along, the group found a darkened room, ⅗ of which had been turned into a cell, in which a shambling form draped in bandages hissed at our plucky adventurers. After managing to get a name out of the mummy ("Tishak Sarak……."), Ulunnuh picked the lock on the cell door and released the creature. The mummy loped past them, out of the room and off down the stairs….

In the next room, they found a similar setup, with a shape-shifting imp in the cell writhing in what appears to be pain.

Backing out of the room, the group crossed the hall into what can only be described as an Alchemy lab. No other room has a stuffed crocodile hanging from the ceiling. A search turned up 4 bars of gold!

With their sweep of the floor complete, Ulunnuh stealthed his way up the staircase to the second floor. This was a small room, unlit with a plain wooden floor and a large chest in the corner. The rest of the team joined him and set about investigating the chest which, to their surprise, lashed out a tentacle and tried to bite them! After a hard fight with the Mimic, the team went through into the second room on the floor, plain again with a water barrel and a staircase leading up. THe water barrel suffered much damage for fear of being a Mimic, but just leaked water from the many hits it received.

Ascending the stairs brought the team to a smaller room with a ladder opposite the stairs. Ulunnuh found 3 pressure plates which he disarmed, then up the ladder they went to the fourth floor. A small room with two chests, a lever and another ladder. After filling the chests with arrows and them not biting, the team opened up the chests and found some fancy boots, a deck of cards, some potions and 4 platinum and 7 gold pieces. Tynwurm bumped into the lever, which lead to a grinding noise below being heard.

Going up the ladder lead them into the top floor of the tower, and their first meeting with Prekas the Malicious. Dead, twisted and lying in the center of a broken magic circle surrounded by unlit candles. Either side of the body where books, one burned beyond legibility and the other written in a horrific script, unreadable but recognisable as Zargassian…

Returning to the ground floor, the group rested, ate and tried to sleep.

Re-investigating the trapdoor in the Magical supplies room revealed it to open easily and lead down into a cold, dank chamber. The same purple-flamed torches are on the walls, and the chamber seems to be made of the same "stone" as the tower.

The chamber led into a branching passage, our heroes encountered the undead, kobolds praying at a foul altar to their forgotten god, a set of tables set for meal serving … human as an entrée, and finally a horrific gelatinous cube which put up a damn good fight.

And now our team rests before carrying on their journey Under Deorcþeng.