Date 719HE/E17

Feeling refreshed and healed, the group investigated breakfast options at the Wyvern's Head. Steak and eggs was a popular choice, especially as they didn't have any Be^lashian croissants…

Being the curious/nosey types they are, the letter from the Reeve was opened and then read by Ames. The letter talked about the disturbances in Milbrook, the unquiet dead in the temple, the progress of the model village and some cultist activities.

After a bit of shopping/collecting items, the team decided to make for the Imperial City of Hylur by way of a ship, via the warehouses, stopping only briefly for a ranged weapon competition which Celasar won with poise and precision!

Arriving at the docks, the band found the Grey Goose, a merchant trader vessel, the captain of which agreed to take them to the Imperial City, for a reasonable price.

To provide cover for Ulunnuh, the others entertained the crowd with a stone skimming competition, (RT: I can't remember who won this… was it Shawn?)

Meanwhile, Ulunnuh broke into a warehouse, found a chest containing some lady's clothing, a few gems and a golden locket! He then met up with the rest on board the Grey Goose. Tynluwurm took a liking to a spectacular hat Ulunnuh had found...

The journey took 2 days, during which time the group played competitive hopscotch, and a few hands of Cripple Mr Onion, while Ulunnuh "secured" a couple of bottles of rum, and Szithluon tried to reason with his sword...

Date 719HE/E19

As the Grey Goose reached the docks, the adventurers got their first proper look at the Imperial City, busy, noisome place.

A random food seller was made to eat all his wares, a fight was started in pub (The Grand Duke di Carabas Arms) between a group of Zwergar and Ur'Ku, and dedications were made to various deities. This left the team in the park of the Hexant of KrayVax, late in the day...