The 'Finger' Franchise
The Stiff Finger
- Originally called Ye Olde Weathered Spoone.
- Date acquired: 719HE/F01.
- Location: Mendel Hexant, The Thorns, Imperial City, Hylur.
- Franchise deal: Goran receives 10% of the profits as pay for running the place.
- Landlord: Goran Broadman
- Cook: Jeffry the Cheffry (Urman male)
- Minstrel: Mariel Hanarli (Drya^truar female)
- Barmaid: Shadbak (Ur'Ku female)
- Stable hand: Ovark (Half Ur'Ku/Urman female)
- Bar back: Osk (kobold, male)
Maintenance cost: 7gp
- Stabling for 5 horses @ 5sp/day/stable
- Six rooms for rent @ 5sp/day/room
Food & Drink
- Ale: 4cp/pint; 2sp/gallon
- Wine:
- common: 2sp/pitcher
- fine: 5gp/bottle
- Be^lashian: 10gp/bottle
- Zwergar spirits: 6gp/bottle
- Meals:
- soup, bread: 1sp
- meat, cheese, bread platter: 3sp
The Middle Finger
- Originally called The Farmer's Arms
- Date acquired: 719HE/F16
- Location: Carterby, Hylur
- Franchise deal: 30% of profits are sent each Siexta to The Stiff Finger
- Landlord/barman: Albert Manzo (Wallace's son; Wallace was killed in the bandit fight)
- Cook/barmaid: Hilda Manzo (Albert's mum)
Maintenance cost: 3gp
- Two rooms for rent 3sp/day/room
Food & Drink
- Ale: 4cp/pint; 2sp/gallon
- Wine: common: 2sp/pitcher
- Meals:
- soup, bread: 1sp
- meat, cheese, bread platter: 3sp