
Nestled in the bow of the K^ren River, the Imperial city of Hylur is an impressive sight. A white central tower (called the Spire) projects from the citadel and is easily the tallest building in all of Hyluria.

Docks line the north bank of the K^ren, bridges span the river, to the south the islets known as The Eels work as additional spans. In the center is the Citadel, known as The Heart of The Six.

The city and the citadel are split into six hexants, each dedicated to one of the Six. The inner city is known as The Flower, the outer city known as The Thorns. Each outer hexant has a Central Park honouring the specific Six. In the centre of the park is a statue to the Hexant's deity.

There are six roads into and out of the city: two to Be^lash, one to the Le'she Scrub, one to the M!tep desert, one to central Tandive, one to Tandive via Fairhaven.


Total population: 25,000

  • 75% Urman
  • 10% ^Truar
  • 8% Ur'Ku and Khob'Linn
  • 5% Zwergar
  • 2% other

The Thorns

The Thorns are more built up and crowded, like the East End, lots of small shops and open market stalls. A high wall with castellations and prominent gates where the roads enter the city.

City guards give you the once over as you enter.

Behind the wall it's very busy, bustling. More people the further in you go. Cries from stallholders and shop keepers. Kids running everywhere yelling and laughing, playing street games like 'chase the dead rat in the gutter' and other such entertainments.

Above all the din you hear a cry of 'Sossig on a stick, pig in a bun, real meat pies!' Fat man, with a tray of mystery delights round his neck. Front is covered in grease.

The Flower

The Flower supports all types of services, based in actual shops.

Each inner Hexant of the Flower is separated from the Thorns by a wall. A double gate provides access to the Flower. This is situated in a park/common ground area. In front of the gates is a statue to the deity the Hexant is aligned with.

High City Guards (Plate + chain mail, armed with very shiny, very sharp pikes) are positioned at the gates.

The Heart

The Heart has fewer shops, although these are more exclusive (think boutique) and provide higher level items. Predominantly administrative functions and access to Empress Lyra.

The Eels

The Eels are distinct in character, each has a central fortified structure surrounded by docks and markets. The residents are proud to be Eelers.

Hexant of Althwinn

  • Admin mainly
  • Temple to Althwinn

Hexant of Sibelius

  • Ingredient shops
  • Cloaks/armour
  • Wands
  • Familiars
  • Scrolls
  • Alchemists
  • Library
  • Temple to Sibelius

Hexant of Grayfoot

  • Bows/Crossbows
  • Leather/scale armours
  • Trainers in stalking etc
  • Temple to Grayfoot

Hexant of KrayVax

  • Proper armour!!
  • Big Weapons!!
  • Head of city guards
  • Head of standing army
  • Trainers in all martial arts
  • Temple to KrayVax


The Imperial City of Hylur taken from "A traveller's diary by Grundel Hammerkin"

Imperial City of Hylur

The Imperial Citadel, known as 'The Heart' taken from "A traveller's diary by Grundel Hammerkin"

Imperial City detail