The Drache!zin look very much like Drache standing erect in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail.

-- Taken from "The Races of the Spinward Marches" by Scholar Av^urel Lor^kas, -13HE.

The Drachen (or 'Dragons' in Common) were the first race to exist in the world, formed by the gods in the early glimmers of creation. Their long lifespans have allowed them to see the continents dance and shimmy across the oceans, over many millennia, reshaping the land into what we see today.

Over time the other Furistaz (First races; ^Truar, Zwergar and Ur'Ku) came into being, and after a brutal and bloody war; which coincided with the separation of the two main continents, the lands were divided up between them, with the Drache relocating to the M!tep Desert.

Drachen history at this point is bitter, with a rift forming between the chromatic and metallic Drache (along lines of support for and against the War of The Furistaz), leading to yet more conflict that raged for a thousand of years before being settled by a peace treaty (The Sz!rz!des of Sz!ne).

Instrumental to the treaty was the creation of the Drache!holts. The Drache!holts are large cities run by a governing group (usually 1 Ancient of each type and a few of the other tiers) equally split between chromatic and metallic dragons.

The Drache!zin (or 'Dragonborn' in Common) are the most commonly seen members of the Drachen kind outside of the M!tep Desert, although still a rare sight. They were originally created by the Drache through powerful magic's to form the rank and file of their armies against the other Furistaz, however, as part of The Sz!rz!des, they were formally recognised as a separate, independent group.

The Drache!zin still revere the Drache (of any age) as demi-gods.